A group of like-minded women and men have come together to launch a campaign to elect a woman as UN Secretary-General when António Guterres steps down at the end of 2026. There have been nine male Secretaries-General but never a female even though women represent half the world’s population. The group represents women and men from academia and civil society with a long record of engagement with the United Nations. Through an initial series of discussions, we decided that the time had come for a woman to lead the Organization and we formed a core planning group to enact a plan of action. We welcome others to join the campaign, both men and women, individuals and organizations alike. It’s time!


WomanSG Core Planning Committee
WomanSG Core Planning Committee
CHAIR:Jean Krasno
Charlotte Bunch, Distinguished Professor Emeritus from Rutgers University and the Founding Executive
Director of the Center for Women’s Global Leadership.
Anwarul Chowdhury, Former ambassador to the UN and a creator of SC res. 1325; Former Under-Secretary-General and High Representative of the UN
Mercedes Mas de Xaxàs Faus,Consultant for UNFPA with 25 years of experience advocating for better policies for women and girls worldwide.
Kimberly Gamble-Payne, Formerly with UNICEF, Lecturer, City College of New York and George Washington
Lise Morje Howard, Professor of Government and Foreign Service, Georgetown University;
President, Academic Council on the United Nations System
Mona Ali Khalil, Director of MAK LAW International, Affiliate of the Harvard Law School Program on
International Law and Armed Conflict and former U.N. Senior Legal Officer
Jean Krasno (chair), Lecturer, Department of Political Science, City College of New York and Columbia
University; published Kofi Annan’s and Ban Ki-moon’s papers; conducted UN Oral History project.
Melissa Labonte, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Faculty Affiliate, Institute of
International Humanitarian Affairs, Fordham University
Deborah Landey, Former Assistant Secretary General, UNAIDS; Deputy Assistant Administrator and Director Office of Human Resources, Bureau of Management, UNDP
Anita Mathur, Former senior member of the United Nations Secretariat, and currently active on Executive
Boards and Advisory Councils of several non-profit organizations.
Shazia Rafi, Currently President, AirQualityAsia; was the Secretary-General of Parliamentarians for Global
Action (PGA) from 1996-2013
Gillian Sorensen, Former United Nations Assistant Secretary-General for External Relations; National Advocate, United Nations Foundation.